“In a world where the rich continually get richer, we hear millions of people suffering from malnutrition, oppression and massive exploitation. We have our own share of the powerless, the unemployed, the hungry and the disadvantaged. It is within such a world that Simbayanan called to serve.”
In 1992, SMMPC was transformed into a community based cooperative, with barely 33-founding members – Sixteen thousand pesos starting capital, with its goal to develop and undertake socio-economic programs and activities for the improvement of the quality of life of the people of Barangay Lower Bicutan in Taguig City. Its mission is to practice good governance, efficient and effective management and fully empowered membership with the culture of cooperativism.
Simbayanan ni Maria Multi-Purpose Cooperative delivers sustainable economic support to the people of Taguig, making the vision of people empowerment more attainable.
Fr. Anton believes in the saying “help him to manage his fish pen you feed his whole community.” He then launched Simbayanan Ni Maria Enterprise Center (SMEC) he envisioned to provide integrated social and business entrepreneurship services for the total human development of all cooperators. SMEC aims to serve as an education hub for the members of the cooperative that will focus on developing micro entrepreneurs among cooperators of Simbayanan Ni Maria Multi-Purpose Cooperative in making their business sustainable and progressive and to value the principles of self-reliance.
“A community-based multi-purpose cooperative with integrated social and business entrepreneurship services for the total human development of all cooperators.”
“To practice good governance, efficient and effective management and fully empowered membership with the culture of cooperativism as a way of life.”

The SIMBAYANAN NI MARIA ENTERPRISE CENTER provides training formation on entrepreneurial development which supports member-entrepreneurs to sustain and develop their enterprises through; Management Capacity building program-tobuild entrepreneurs in proper managing their enterprise such as;
Basic Recording, Marketing Strategies & Techniques, Business Plan Preparation, Customer Service & Personality Development, Sales Negotiation, Entrepreneurship 101,Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies, and others.
Skill Training Program- which provides skills enhancement to seek for business opportunity, such as; Mushroom Production, Native Delicacy Making, Perfume Making, Beads Making etc.
Having an impact to the community and to the lives of its members is one of the achievements that SMMPC is continually receiving throughout the years.

SMMPC is the biggest in terms of assets, revenues, equity among community based cooperatives in Taguig City and one of the top 100 cooperatives in the country (26,000 registered cooperatives nationwide as per Cooperative Development Authority). To date, Simbayanan ni Maria Multi-Purpose Cooperative has 46,000 active members with a milestone of 920 Million total resources. SMMPC had been recognized locally as one of the most outstanding community enterprise nationwide in 2015.

SMMPC celebrated its 25th year anniversary last 2016, envision the next 25 years to dream and work it harder not only a financial solution but a key to success of every Filipinos and we will just continue to uphold the spirit of cooperativism, transparency and trustworthiness as its trademark, and we strengthen our communications with our shareholders in summarizing their feedbacks. Looking forward on Cooperative 2020, SMMPC will commit to upgrade its services, as Cooperative Social Responsibility will always be leading to their plans and programs as we’re pursuing to contribute more in the eradication of poverty in our city.