It’s safe to say that most organisations would like to improve their carbon footprint, reduce their emissions, and be more ‘eco-friendly’ and environmentally focused, but many don’t know where to start, or what that really involves. How much difference does it really make if one organisation turns down the heating in their offices, or encourages more staff to car-share on the way to work?
Well, the truth is, every single step does help, particularly when they form part of a network with other local businesses trying to take the right steps too. That’s where Cambridge Carbon Footprint (CCF) comes in. Since 2005 the organisation has been active in educating individuals and businesses on positive climate action – and has a wide range of resources, events and guidance to help them make the right decisions for the climate.
A reliable source of guidance
At Allia, we’re aligning with CCF as we believe that their advice and resources can be adopted by the small businesses we work with – from the tenants that form the communities at our Future Business Centres, to the ventures we help through our free business support programmes. We’re committed to promote their tools through our networks in Cambridge as we know that having a reliable source of guidance for such activity makes it much easier to know what to do, and also measure the effectiveness of your actions. And we’re taking those steps ourselves as well, as we want to learn, improve, and feel proud that our business decisions and actions are positive ones for the climate.
Why not have a go at their Carbon Footprint Calculator – which breaks down one’s activity in four main areas – home energy, transport, shopping and food – and calculates the C02e (Carbon Dioxide Equivalent) you produce.
Pledge to show your commitment
Working with Cambridge City Council, CCF has created the Cambridge Climate Change Charter which allows companies to take a pledge to show their commitment to sustainability in their business decisions, supply chain and community. By signing up, a business can act as a climate leader and inspire their staff teams, networks and customers – whilst working to shrink its footprint.
Jasmine Clark, Project Coordinator for Cambridge Climate Change Charter explains, “Before a business can start taking action and decarbonise their operations, it is important to work out exactly what the organisation needs to improve on and their capacity for action.
“Measuring and reporting emissions is the key first step on the journey to net zero. Following this, next steps include developing a decarbonisation plan, and then demonstrating climate leadership – externally and with internal teams.
“We have resources, guidance and expert-led events that can help businesses with each step and support them through their own decarbonisation strategy”.
“We’ll need to be tough, thorough, and help each other”
Emma Mee, Cambridge Programme Manager at Allia adds, “All of the businesses we work with are conscious of their impact on the environment but we know the changes required go a lot further than what is immediately obvious. We’ll need to be tough, thorough, and help each other along this journey. I believe this collaboration with Cambridge Carbon Footprint forms part of a package of support that will help us realise greater opportunities ahead.”
Check out the range of CCF’s activities on their website at https://cambridgecarbonfootprint.org and get involved in anything from repair cafes where you can take broken equipment and items to get fixed instead of buying new and adding further to landfill, to Open Eco Homes which showcase real low carbon homes with talks by experts on practical topics. Join us on our own learning journey by taking the pledge and committing to take the right steps as a business and reducing your carbon emissions, for the sake of your staff, your local community and the planet.