The Co-operative provides incentives to 2,700+ American Indian artists representing over 410 tribal nations for the preservation of their contemporary and traditional crafts, culture, and education through involvement in Indian Culture Programs, including dances, traditional food, fashion shows, and performances. The Co-operative sponsors various Indian events i.e.: Pow-Wows, cultural festivals, information services, and publishes Native American Directory Canada, Alaska, and United States… “information that is hard to find” – American Library Journal, …“directory on Indians for the 21st century” – News From Indian Country, …“valuable resources on ancestry” – Ethnic Forum …“our Indian RED page bible” – National Indian Child Welfare Association.
Areas Of Interest
Traditional and contemporary Native American techniques in arts and crafts including jewelry, basketry, wood and stone carving, weaving, pottery, beadwork, quill-work, rug-making, tanning and leather work, dance reglia, and cookery, produce and distribute Indian music and videos: Native American artists and tribal arts and crafts traditions in the United States, Canada, and Alaska.
Collections in all the above areas. A computerized mailing list of and for people who buy, teach, collect, are interested in, and/or are Indian is set up on Native American organizations, media, events and Indian affairs. North America Native American Indian Information and Trade Center established January 1991. (N.A.2 I.I.T.C.)
Native American Reference Book (’82, ’96) revision 2024; Native American Directory: Alaska, Canada, United States (a quick reference for locating Native Organizations, events, media, and tribal offices and reserves); special guide for evaluating and acquiring Native crafts and raw materials through trading posts, stores, galleries, cooperatives, and guilds; researching your Indian Ancestory. Pow-Wow and Indian Events on the Red Road…” most comprehensive listing of American Indian events in U.S. and Canada“. (’93, ’16).
American Indian Events: AZ, NM, UT, NV & CO – Comprehensive 3-yr 2023-2025 Listing of Pow-wow’s, Arts & Crafts, Rodeos, Ceremonies, Auctions, Exhibits and Conferences. 144 Pages (5 1/2 x 8 1/2) ISBN #978-0-9610334-6-0 – Revision (update due 2023)
(Click here for ordering Events Book & Native American Directory.)
Information Services
Answers inquiries; provides advisory, consulting, reference, and current-awareness services; makes referrals to other sources of information; permits on site use of collections. Information and referrals are free; other services are subject to fee. Services are intended primarily for Native Americans, but others will be assisted with large self-addressed stamped envelope. Available: American Indian Information Packet, events, programs, sample newspapers, etc. Send $10.00 and priority (stamped*) mail self-addressed envelope. NO DATED METER STRIPS! Thank You!
*Check with your local Post Office for current rates.
Index Terms
Native Americans, Native American arts and crafts, Indian Information services – Research and Referrals. Marketing authentic Indian crafts worldwide. Native American music and events.
Latest Info Date: January 2023
With thanks to: USA Indian Information Directory Tucson Arizona and (4) National Native American Indian Cooperative | Tucson AZ | Facebook