The Hereford Diocese has a woman Dean for the first time in its 1,300-year history.
The Very Revd Sarah Brown was installed October 2 during a special choral evensong, opened her sermon by thanking everyone who had made her so welcome in Hereford.
She joins Hereford from Peterborough Cathedral where she has served in the role of Canon Missioner for three and a half years.
As Dean of Hereford, she will have overall responsibility for the cathedral’s life, mission and ministry, alongside administration, finance and fabric matters as well as holding responsibilities in the wider diocese.
She said she was “amazed and touched by the generosity and kindness” shown since her move to the cathedral cloisters with husband Richard.
The couple have two children, Alice, who is a musician and Edward, who is training to be a vet.
Revd Brown’s parents have also relocated to the city and Richard’s family are based just across the border in Monmouth

The Very Revd Sarah Brown, Dean of Hereford, said: “I’d like to say a big thank you to all who pulled out all the stops (some literally) to produce a spectacular time of worship for my welcome and installation.
“I have been amazed and touched by the generosity and kindness already shown to me and my family by so many people and look forward to serving among you, learning to be the kind of Dean the Cathedral needs for these times and working with a whole range of people and organisations to make Jesus known in the world.”
She joins Hereford from Peterborough Cathedral where she has served in the role of Canon Missioner for three and a half years, the diocese said.
Since her ordination in 2008, she has worked closely within the agricultural and rural community as well as gaining valuable experience of ministry to market towns and a cathedral city.
The Rt Revd Richard Jackson, Bishop of Hereford, said: “I am pleased to welcome Sarah officially as Dean of Hereford, a role which is for the Cathedral and community as well as the wider diocese of Hereford.